Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a gas that is part of our environment. We are all exposed to it at some point in a day or other. Just like oxygen, it is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. You will not know the difference whether you are inhaling carbon monoxide or oxygen. What happens when we inhale carbon monoxide in large quantities? Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs. The body thinks it is inhaling oxygen, but in reality, it is carbon monoxide. It reaches the cells, tissues, and organs in no time. It is life-threatening, and the body becomes starved of oxygen. Death is inevitable if not treated on time. Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment is required urgently to save a precious life.
Fireplaces, heaters, grills, automobiles, portable generators, clogged chimneys are part and parcel of daily life. Since we are in an open space, we do not know that we are inhaling carbon monoxide in small quantities daily. What happens if we are in a closed environment and inhale carbon monoxide gas unknowingly. The small space could be a garage, room without proper ventilation, or basement. The body inhales large amounts of carbon monoxide without even knowing it is doing so. Sooner or later, it reaches our bloodstream, cells, tissues, and organs leading to an emergency. We experience dizziness, nausea, headache, vomiting, confusion, breathlessness, palpitation, tachycardia, sweating, chest pain, and more. We finally pass out due to excess carbon monoxide inhaled. Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment is required.
The immediate step in carbon monoxide poisoning treatment is breathing pure oxygen. An oxygen mask covers your nose and mouth, and you need to inhale. People who have inhaled excess carbon monoxide are not in their senses or passed out. They are immediately put on a ventilator to inhale oxygen. A blood sample indicates the level of carboxyhemoglobin in the bloodstream. ECG and neurological tests. Further action is taken based on the result.
A hyperbaric oxygen chamber usage in carbon monoxide poisoning treatment in emergency cases. A pressurized oxygen chamber, where the oxygen pressure is twice the normal pressure. High-pressure oxygen delivery to the human body. The oxygen levels in the blood increase rapidly. Very useful to treat pregnant women who had carbon monoxide poisoning. Hyperbaric chambers protect the brain and heart.
Prevention is better than cure. We are exposed to carbon monoxide daily. Preventive steps go a long way and help in avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning treatment. Install a CO detector near a fireplace or gas burner. Keep rooms well ventilated. Never sit in a car with the engine in idle mode and that too in a closed garage. Immediately seek treatment when showing symptoms of poisoning.
Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. You won’t know until it’s too late. People with comorbidities face more risk. Do not take carbon monoxide poisoning lightly. Carbon monoxide is part of our daily lives, and that’s why we need to be careful not to get poisoned. Carbon monoxide poisoning treatment is a must when symptoms show up. Rush to a doctor immediately.