Anaemia profile count – A complete guide

 Anaemia profile count – A complete guide

The condition where an individual does not produce enough red blood cells or haemoglobin in their blood is called anaemia. The lack of red blood cells results in low oxygen levels in your body. This is a very common blood disorder. Children, women, and men of any age can suffer from anaemia. More than 1.6 billion people are affected by anaemia worldwide. Anaemia is more likely to occur in women and people with chronic diseases.

This condition can be mild or severe. The severity depends on your haemoglobin levels. Haemoglobin is a protein present in your RBCs that carries oxygen from your lungs to other parts of your body. Various factors can cause anaemia:

  • Chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney diseases
  • Drug-induced anaemia
  • Pregnancy anaemia
  • Active bleeding like piles, ulcers, menstruation
  • Poor nutrition
  • Genetic problem or family history

People who suffer from anaemia also have to deal with iron deficiency. However, the actual cause can only be determined through particular tests.

Symptoms of Anaemia:

You may or may not face any anaemia symptoms because it might still be latent. But if you do face any signs, they might include:

  • Weakness and exhaustion. Fatigue and weakness
  • Headache
  • Chest paint
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Mucous membrane, nails, pale skin
  • Cold hands and feet

In addition to feeling tired or cold, anaemia can have other effects on your body. Iron deficiency can also make your nails brittle or cause hair loss.

It is always better to get a check-up done to properly get a diagnosis. You will probably have a complete blood count conducted during treatment, also called a CBC. Or you can even get a full Anaemia profile done. A full body checkup will also fetch you the correct results. However, it is also necessary to know how to read the results.  

A guide to Anaemia Profile count

An anaemia profile is an array of tests that include, screening for flotation, vitamin B12, haemoglobin, etc. 

Remember that each laboratory defines its range of normal values. It is important to know the normal range for your lab when looking at your results, as what’s normal for one lab might not be normal for another. In addition to that,  you should also know what certain tests that take place during an Anaemia Profile.


A complete Blood Count or CBC is a test that provides information about the composition of our blood. It is a test that measures partial and differential WBCs (white blood cells) and RBCs (red blood cells), besides indicating the number of platelets.


This test will measure the C-Reactive Protein amount in the blood. It is a protein produced in the liver and is released during any inflammation in our body.


As the name suggests, this test measures levels of ferritin. Ferritin helps to store iron, and low levels of this protein will indicate iron deficiency. This is a sure marker for iron deficiency-related anaemia as compared to other types of anaemia.

Iron studies:

This is a blood test to calculate levels of iron, transferrin, TIBC, and saturation per cent. By calculating Total Iron Binding Capacity [TBIC] you can easily find out how much iron is being stored in your body. The low numbers prove iron deficiency anaemia.

Here’s hoping that the guide was useful. Hindustan Wellness is a reliable option in that case. You can deposit your sample to a dedicated health care executive from the comfort of your home and get the reports via email on the same day.


Denny Loyal