Should women visit gynecologists regularly for checkups?

People have changed a lot during the past five decades. Nowadays women are more health-conscious and they prefer having their body in a fixed shape both externally and internally. For such practices, some women prefer visiting the gynecologist on an annual basis for regular checkups. But still, most women prefer visiting the doctors only when necessary which is not advisable. Let us now view in detail how gynecologists play an important role in the life of a woman.
Who is a gynecologist?
A gynecologist is a medical doctor who specializes in gynecology. They commonly deal with diseases specific to women and girls especially in relation to the reproductive system. but most of them will also be qualified enough to deal with the general medicine-related issues occurring in women. Nowadays women have multiple issues that require them to be careful with constant updates on their health. Even a simple sometimes can lead to serious complications in the future. So most women nowadays prefer testing their health with an expert gynecologist.
Some of the common health issues that might occur in women include,
- Cervical cancer should be tested every year through a pap smear test.
- Breast cancer should also be tested through regular visits each year.
- Pelvic exams.
- Treatment for vaginal infections.
- And constantly test for some of the other disorders like infertility, ovarian cyst, pelvic pain, endometriosis, and PCOS.
When should they go for the test?
Most women should go for that test every year. to be more clear women under the age of 30 and non-married can visit the gynecologist regularly on an annual basis. But married women, especially mothers and women above the age of 30 should visit the gynecologist at least once in six months to ensure their health. They can either go to their family gynecologist who has been with them for a long time.
But if they are more concerned about the health issues they can visit a gynecologist located in a multispeciality hospital for effective treatments. There are many options related to a private gynaecologist in bournemouth. Among them, some of them are well experienced with nearly 15 to 20 years of practice.
What should we do before such treatments?
When you are going for such treatments make sure to visit a doctor on an empty stomach. Always carry some water with you. Certain tests require you to be with a full bladder especially the ultrasound tests. It’s not just the women, even small girls who have attained maturity can visit the gynecologists regularly to ensure the health of the reproductive system. Similarly, women who have passed the menopause stage should regularly visit the doctor to ensure their health including balanced hormone and bone calcium levels. Choosing a private gynaecologist in bournemouth might be a difficult choice and hence we have given you a suggestion that we deem to be fit for your requirements.
Clinic@78 has a wide range of expert private gynaecologist in bournemouth who can guide you and your reproductive system for a healthy life each step of the way. From regular checkups to pregnancy-related treatments we offer exclusive treatment options that are simple and perfect. The appointment can be booked easily and the patients will be seen on a priority basis.
For more details watch the video below:
Author: Ms Latha Vinayakarao
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Clinic@78